Studio Album | 1996 | Death Metal | 93,7 MB
01 - Tranquil Seizure | 6:20
02 - Prophecy of the Dying Watcher | 4:26
03 - Serenadium | 4:41
04 - Spectral Scent | 6:25
05 - Mockery Retained to Obturate | 4:28
06 - Encysted and Dormant | 5:47
07 - Son of Cosmos | 3:38
08 - Retorn | 5:35


Extended Play | 1998 | Death Metal | 47,4 MB
01 - Desiderated Profligacy | 5:24
02 - Notable Diversity | 5:03
03 - Achromatic Chronicles | 4:30
04 - The Hidden Lore | 5:45


Studio Album | 1999 | Death Metal | 91,1 MB
01 - Inhale the Ghost | 5:22
02 - Surgical Orb | 4:11
03 - Sidereal Seas | 5:36
04 - Random Bludgeon Battery | 4:47
05 - From Tarnished Soil | 4:40
06 - Reminiscence | 1:06
07 - Pyres of Atonement | 3:59
08 - The Rigor Mortified Grip | 5:19
09 - Forensic Alliance | 4:42


Studio Album | 2001 | Death Metal | 104,7 MB
01 - Tides of Vengeance | 4:31
02 - The Bullets Breath | 3:53
03 - Border Into Shadow | 5:40
04 - Bloodletting | 5:28
05 - Spawn of the Abscess | 7:22
06 - Thawed for Breeding | 6:15
07 - Stygian | 0:38
08 - The Last Incantation | 5:14
09 - Poets of the Trench | 2:54
10 - Part II | 3:56


Compilation Album | 2003 | Death Metal | 160,8 MB
01 - Revel in Cremation | 4:46
02 - Madman of the Trade | 5:20
03 - Extreme Unction (Pestilence Cover) | 1:28
04 - Bloodletting | 5:28
05 - The Bullet's Breath | 3:50
06 - Inhale the Ghost | 5:23
07 - The Rigormortified Grip | 5:21
08 - Cocooned | 5:08
09 - Desiderated Profligacy | 5:24
10 - The Hidden Lore | 5:46
11 - Encysted and Dormant | 5:45
12 - Retorn | 5:19
13 - Entangled (Demo Version) | 3:47
14 - Torn (Demo Version) | 3:13
15 - Prophecy of the Dying Watcher (Live) | 4:23